Saturday 29 December 2012

Free Desktop Movie 2.1

Make Screensaver Video or Wallpaper Video for free with Desktop Movie 2.1

Download Desktop Movie 2.1 
>>> Click Here <<<

Desktop movie is a simple application to play movie files on your desktop.
The player projects the movie to the background replacing your background image temporarily.
The player is based on directshow meaning every movie you can play with a directshow player can be played with desktop movie too.
At start you can choose your movie and the palyer starts. A tray icon can be found on the tray bar during the playing process. Here you can load another movie, pause, rewind or forward the video and set the volume level.

version 2.0
1. Playlist implemented. You can add and remove movie files, moreover you can reorder the list with left click drag&dropp. Double click plays the given file from the playlist. The playlist is available through the context menu or by clicking the logo in the playing control form.
2. Thanks to the playlist now you can select multiple files at once (right at the beginning).
3. On the playing control form you can see the name and path of the actual video, the actual playing position and the video duration.
4. For debugging and modifying filter settings you can access the active filters in the context menu.
5. Left click on the tray icon can be used to bring up playing control form (and from there playlist).
6. Improved file open dialog.
7. Improved volume control algorithm.

version 2.1
WINDOWS 8 Overlay Mixer problem - It seems that this is not a bug, but MS intentionally disabled using overlay mixer for all applications but the ones listed in the registry. Desktop movie registry patch is now compiled to the executable. On the first run Desktop movie applies the patch on Windows 8. For other applications that can not run because of this restriction you should create a new entry below:

desktop movie

Wednesday 26 December 2012

EyeDefender Free Software 4 Eyes and Brain

Tahukah kamu bahwa aktivitas di depan komputer yang terus menerus berpotensi membuat kamu kelelahan? Ini karena radiasi dari monitor serta aktivitas dimana kamu dipaksa berkonsentrasi terus menerus dalam jangka waktu tertentu secara konstan. Inilah sebabnya, dalam salah satu dari delapan tips sehat bekerja di depan komputer yang pernah dibahas oleh PG, ditegaskan bahwa kamu wajib istirahat sesekali dan mengalihkan pandangan dari layar monitor. Tapi bagaimana jika pekerjaanmu menuntut kamu banyak di depan komputer? Misalnya pekerjaan sebagai programmer atau penulis? Tentu saja jumlah ‘konsumsi’ layar monitor kamu jauh di atas rata-rata orang normal. Kamu bisa menyiasati hal tersebut dengan memanfaatkan software EyeDefender!

Hindarkan Mata dan Otak Kamu dari Kelelahan dengan EyeDefender!

EyeDefender adalah software yang memungkinkan kamu untuk menghindari kelelahan dan konsentrasi berkelanjutan di depan layar monitor dengan memaksa kamu rehat sejenak dari pekerjaan kamu dan melihat pemandangan hijau menyegarkan melintas di layar monitor kamu. Bukan saja ini akan menyegarkan mata, tapi juga akan menghindarkan kamu dari lelah punggung, sakit pinggang, pusing-pusing, serta mengurangi resiko sakit pada mata!

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Gtranslator Free Software Penterjemah 50 Bahasa

GTranslator: Software untuk Menerjemahkan Lebih dari 50 Bahasa!

Komunikasi kini menjadi sesuatu yang urgen, utamanya ketika hubungan antar Bangsa seolah tidak berjarak oleh teknologi internet. Apalagi untuk kamu yang sering bertemu dengan banyak orang yang menggunakan bahasa berbeda dengan kamu, misalnya di Universitas dimana banyak mahasiswa asing belajar Bahasa Indonesia, atau misalnya magang di Perusahaan Modal Asing (PMA). Untuk mendukung komunikasi tersebut, PG mengajukan software unik yang memiliki database untuk menerjemahkan lebih dari 50 bahasa, yaitu GTranslator!

Wednesday 12 December 2012

iPad mini

Special iPad mini 4 You! see the amazing review and specification

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Xbox SmartGlass now supports 7-inch Android tablets

Xbox SmartGlass now supports 7-inch Android tablets
Microsoft's Xbox SmartGlass app will now work on 7-inch Android tablets, so you can use your Nexus 7 to control your console.

The app was already available on Google Play, but wasn't compatible with tablets of this size. Not officially, anyway. But that should all be sorted now.

SmartGlass is available for iOS devices, too.
The update should also fix some bugs that caused the app to crash on the achievements and settings screens.

Windows Phone 8 :Apollo Plus update said to bring new features

Windows Phone 8 'Apollo Plus' update said to bring new features
The next Windows Phone 8 update is reportedly codenamed Apollo Plus and will bring about new features to convince Microsoft mobile device holdouts to reconsider.

Chief among the features is Virtual Private Network (VPN) support, according to The Verge.

This would allow users to connect to private work or school networks via the internet.

Windows Blue rumored as low-cost, annually updated Microsoft OS

Windows Blue rumored as low-cost, annually updated Microsoft OS
Microsoft's Windows 8 is still fresh out of the gate, but talk is already heating up around Microsoft's next OS, codenamed Windows Blue.

According to anonymous sources, the software giant is taking a new direction with Blue, focusing on more frequent annual updates for a more standardized OS.

The goal is to make a new OS that will be installed by every user, and to that end the sources claim Microsoft will significantly lower its OS cost for Blue - possibly offering the upgrade for free to ensure a large user base.

That standardization will reportedly come in the form of updates to the Windows SDK, which runs across both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.